
At FCOG Ontario, we make giving easy


What does it mean to be a steward? Truth is, we realize that God owns it all and all things are given of us by him. Being a good steward means we are managing our possessions for the glory of our God. This includes Giving. Truth is that Jesus asks us to give because it makes us more like him. It changes our heart and shows him we ultimately trust him as our true provider.

What do the scriptures say?

Giving acknowledges God as the giver of everything we have (James 1:17).

Giving reflects our trust that God will provide for us (Matthew 6:19-24).

Giving allows us to be active participants in God's work on earth (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).

How do I give?

Giving at FCOG Ontario is simple and secure. Whether you'd like to give a single gift, or schedule ongoing giving, just CLICK HERE to get started.